The Spirit of Hope Award is presented to women and men of the United States Armed Forces, entertainers, and other distinguished Americans and organizations whose patriotism and service reflect that of comedian Bob Hope. Mr. Hope was designated the first honorary veteran of the United States Armed Forces for his decades of entertaining troops, both in peacetime and in combat zones.
The award is presented annually to any active duty, reserve, auxiliary, former military servicemember or civilian individual or an organization from each of the following: the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Space Force, and Coast Guard. The recipients must epitomize the values of Bob Hope (courage, honor, duty, commitment, integrity, and selfless dedication), significantly enhance the quality of life of servicemembers and their families, and selflessly contribute their time, talent, or resources to benefit members of the United States Armed Forces.

The Spirit of Hope Award will be presented in a ceremony and will be hosted by the designated award presentation authority in the Pentagon Hall of Heroes in Fall 2024; the exact date will be announced later this year. COMDT (CG-092) will fund travel and per diem costs for the selected recipient to attend the awards ceremony and provide official transportation between lodging facilities and the place of the ceremony.
Nomination and submission guidelines
Nominations must be submitted no later than April 17, 2024 and include the following, as appropriate:
Scanned copies of signed nomination packages must be sent by e-mail to
Once received a selection panel will convene and review the nominations and make recommendations to the Commandant for approval.
Sample nomination packages are available upon request. Questions should be directed to Ms. Zenobia Williams, COMDT (CG-0923), or 202-372-4625.
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