My Coast Guard
Tag: Earth Day

April 22, 2021

Let's get underway!

Join us for a guided tour of a 45-foot response boat.

April 21, 2021

Fly a Gulf Stream 550 over Washington DC

Come join us for a personal tour of the Coast Guard's Gulf Stream, and go for a flight over Washington, D.C.!

April 21, 2021

Fly an airplane over O’ahu

Learn how airplanes fly, then take a HC-130 for a spin around Hawaii. 

April 21, 2021

Tour a National Security Cutter (CGC Midgett)

Storm the deck of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Midgett, then join the crew for some ice cream in the mess deck. 

April 21, 2021

Land a helicopter!

Learn how to safely land helicopters on the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Diligence.

April 21, 2021

Protect the wetlands by taking an oil sample

Learn about oil and chemical clean-ups, habitat protection, and tour the wetlands around the Big Easy. 

April 21, 2021

Learn how an aircrew helps boaters in distress

When someone is stranded in the water after a boating accident, a Coast Guard air crew will get them a radio, water, food, and rafts.

April 21, 2021

Help! We have a mystery substance!

Check out a few of the tests we use to identify an unknown substance.

April 21, 2021

Spend the day at sea

Spend a day at sea with the crew of the Coast Guard Cutter named after Alexander Hamilton.

April 21, 2021

Mayday Mayday!

There’s a boat taking on water! You're in southeast Alaska. And you’re part of the crew helping launch a search and rescue mission.