The Coast Guard has announced an exciting opportunity for qualifying members – the first convening of the Maritime Enforcement Specialist (ME) Rating Apprenticeship Program (RAP).
The ME RAP is a 7.5-week alternative to the existing 10-week A-school for members who already hold a current Boarding Team Member competency and meet all ME A-school requirements. The ME RAP course was developed using best practices from the very successful Boatswain's Mate RAP and Aviation Rating RAP.
Two ME RAP courses are scheduled for FY21; the first course starts on April 30. ALCOAST 011/21 solicits enlisted members interested in entering the ME rating to apply for the ME RAP. Eligible non-rated enlisted members or Petty Officers meeting prerequisites must apply to the 7.5 week A-school.
The Maritime Enforcement Specialist Rating Training and Advisory Council (RTAC) developed the ME RAP to help meet the increasing need for additional ME3s.
“The Rating Apprenticeship Program is a fantastic opportunity for our members to use their hard-earned qualifications and reduce their time in A-school,” said Jeffrey Waters, Command Master Chief at the Force Readiness Command. “We are excited about giving them credit for skills they have already acquired and allowing them to accelerate their training as a result.”
Allowing members to bring existing competencies can increase the throughput of credentialed MEs, decreases the amount of time TDY, and maintains strong proficiency within the rating.
ALCOAST 011/21 solicits enlisted members interested in entering the ME rating to apply for the ME RAP. Eligible non-rated enlisted members or Petty Officers meeting prerequisites must apply to the 7.5 week A-school. Two ME RAP courses are scheduled for FY21; the first course starts on April 30. 
To be eligible for the ME RAP, members must:
1. Hold a current Boarding Team Member (BTM) competency.
2. Meet all the requirements for ME A-school found on EPM's non-rate and A-School CGPortal page.