My Coast Guard
Tag: Community

June 26, 2024

Learn how the Coast Guard PIE program builds morale, strengthens community partnerships

Rear Adm. Jeffrey Randall shares his experiences with the Coast Guard’s Partnership in Education Program

Sept. 26, 2023

Top Recruiting Liaisons show what success looks like

Recent Recruiting Liaisons of the Month seized on opportunities to engage in the community to raise awareness of the Coast Guard.

Aug. 7, 2023

Has your unit commander appointed a PIE program coordinator?

The Partners in Education (PIE) program is a great way to volunteer in your community and represent the Coast Guard in local schools.

June 2, 2022

Coast Guard members run across the nation with Ainsley Angels events

Giving back looks and feels different to everyone. For some, it is helping other to run with a purpose.

July 29, 2021

Commitment to Service: TRACEN Petaluma CS A-school shelter-less outreach  

Culinary specialists give back to the community

Feb. 12, 2021

Family event: Join NFL stars Aaron Jones, Jonathan Allen, during the ProCamps kick-off

Kick-off open to all ages! These camps teach military children the fundamentals of football, teamwork and how to make new friends. 

Jan. 1, 2021

Photo Friday: Headquarters staff collect and distribute hundreds of donated care packages to community

Members assigned to Coast Guard Headquarters, Base National Capital Region (NCR), and Department of Homeland Security, gathered to pack gift bags and personal care item kits for communities neighboring the Douglas Munro Coast Guard Headquarters, in Washington, D.C. Donated items were distributed through partners in the District of Columbia Housing