My Coast Guard
Tag: Long Blue Line

June 21, 2024

Jack Hamlin — Boatswain, rescue swimmer, and savior of D-Day

CG-23 and other rescue cutters performed heroically against the weather and the odds. Jack estimated his boat saved around 50 lives that day.

Jan. 19, 2024

Coast Guard hero, FRC namesake Charles Sexton

"It has long been understood that the Coast Guard faces danger every day, but that could not be more true than a day on the Columbia River Bar" - Chief Quartermaster Bill Segelken

Dec. 29, 2023

The Long Blue Line: First U.S. transit of the Northwest Passage — 1957

All three cutters went down in history as the first American vessels to transit through the icy seas of the Northwest Passage and circumnavigate the North American continent.

Dec. 22, 2023

The Long Blue Line: Merry Christmas from the Galley! — the Coast Guard’s collection of vintage Christmas Menus

The Coast Guard Historian’s Office recently unearthed several shipboard Christmas menus in its Archives and Special Collections. They are few, but rather colorful and provide insight into a bright spot in an otherwise monotonous lifestyle at sea.

Dec. 15, 2023

The Long Blue Line: Rescue and sacrifice — PBM-G5 #84738’s Korean War rescue 70 years ago

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the events that transpired in the Formosa Straits – we remember the courageous Coast Guard and Navy men who perished.

Dec. 8, 2023

The Long Blue Line: The loss of Morning Dew and genesis of Rescue 21

By harnessing state-of-the-market technology, Rescue 21 enables the Coast Guard to execute its search and rescue missions with greater agility and efficiency.

Dec. 5, 2023

National Coast Guard Museum Website emerges with plans for an interactive, immersive online experience

Thursday, Dec. 7, 2023, at 12:30 p.m. EST the NCGM team will host a Facebook live event, don’t miss this!

Nov. 17, 2023

Journey of a Coast Guard Museum Artifact: The Sign

The transformation of the Air Station New Orleans sign from a functional marker to a rallying relic.

Nov. 17, 2023

The Long Blue Line: CW0-4 McGhee — Coast Guard trailblazer in health science and law enforcement

After experiencing the pinnacle of personal fulfillment and becoming both a health services professional and an operational member of a TACLET, McGhee realized that the Coast Guard was full of opportunity, as long as he was willing to ask for it.

Oct. 13, 2023

The Long Blue Line: Sagebrush’s search for Pittsburgh Pirates Roberto Clemente

Ted took stock of the crew. We had a skeleton crew of 20 or so, including “Onyx,” the ship’s dog.