My Coast Guard

Jan. 8, 2021

Seeking Nominations for the 2020 Public Affairs Awards

The Coast Guard wants to honor those who provide timely and accurate information so that the public, our legislators and the news media can understand our members' service and its impact.The Coast Guard Office of Public Affairs is seeking nominations for two awards: Chief Journalist Alex Haley Award - named for the renowned author and Coast Guard

Jan. 8, 2021

Enlisted members: Are you the next Silver Ancient Trident?

Award honors enlisted members with the longest time in the Marine Safety program

Jan. 8, 2021

Civilians: Learn about the DHS SES Development Program

Webinars will prepare you to apply. The program will accept applications Jan. 26-Feb. 9.

Jan. 8, 2021

Coast Guard Senior Leadership Gets Vaccinated

Admiral Karl Schultz and Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard (MCPOCG) Jason Vanderhaden have received the COVID-19 vaccine.

Jan. 8, 2021

DesertStorm30: Protecting the seas

Coast Guard veterans remember Desert Storm 30 years later.

Jan. 8, 2021

The Long Blue Line: So that others might live—Earl Cunningham’s final rescue

In the 1930s, before modern search and rescue systems like the Coast Guard’s Rescue 21 system and ubiquitous marine radios, Coast Guardsmen stood watch on the shore to watch for those in need.

Jan. 7, 2021

New Year’s Logs

Coast Guard watchstanders reflect on the New Year

Jan. 6, 2021

Deckplate Leader of the Week: Chief Petty Officer Mitchell A. Robison

Our Deckplate Leader of the Week is Chief Petty Officer Mitchell A. Robison, a storekeeper from U.S. Coast Guard Aviation Training Center Mobile!

Jan. 5, 2021

Help promote a positive work environment; Submit your experience in the annual DEOCS 

The Defense Organizational Climate Survey beings and we want to hear from you.

Jan. 1, 2021

Photo Friday: Headquarters staff collect and distribute hundreds of donated care packages to community

Members assigned to Coast Guard Headquarters, Base National Capital Region (NCR), and Department of Homeland Security, gathered to pack gift bags and personal care item kits for communities neighboring the Douglas Munro Coast Guard Headquarters, in Washington, D.C. Donated items were distributed through partners in the District of Columbia Housing